Saturday, 10 June 2017

Goomy Pokemon Card Review

This card has 50HP and is a Dragon type Pokemon. It is a basic card as well. Goomy has one attack and one move that does no damage but has an effect. The two moves are:

  • Tackle (20 damage)
  • Bubble ( effect move)
The attacking move needs one water type Pokemon Energy and one Fairy Type Pokemon Energy card. This attack is for 20 damage. This is surprisingly good for a Basic type Pokemon. It also has another attack which does no damage but has an effect. The effect states: Flip a coin if heads, your opponents active Pokemon is now Paralyzed. This is a helpful effect, however it is only effective for one turn in the official TCG (Trading Card Game). But it is still useful to buy yourself time if you are playing competitively and your opponent is killing you!
So in that respect it is a good effect to have on a Pokemon card. So if you have a Goomy from S&M (Sun and Moon you should defiantly use it in your Deck.

This card also has a weakness this is Fairy Type Pokemon however it is also has no weakness. And it also has a one colourless energy retreat cost.

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